Poem “The Rain” Summary – 10th Class English

The poem “The Rain” Summary – 10th Class English.

Summary of the Poem “The Rain” written by William Henery Davies.

10th Class English – Summary of the Poem “The Rain”.

  • Poem: The Rain
  • Class: 10th
  • Subject: English (10th Class English)
  • Unit No. 05
  • Easy Version:

Easy Version of the Summary (The Rain)

Summary – “The Rain”

“The Rain” is written by W.H. Davies. In this poem, the poet presents the natural scene of rain. He skillfully creates the sight of rain. The rain falls on the upper leaves of trees. They drip the rain and pass on the drops to the lower leaves. The rich leaves stand for the rich people and the poor leaves stand for the poor people. The poet feels sad for the poor people. The poet hopes that after the rain sun will come out. It will fill each drop with light. The sun will shine equally upon all. The poet is happy with this sight. The sunshine is for both the dark round drops of rain and rich green leaves. It means that sunshine is equal for the rich and for the poor people.

The language of the poem is simple but the message of the poem is unique. In short, it is a poem of hope.

Standard Version of the Summary of the Poem “The Rain” (10th Class English):

Summary – “The Rain”

  • The rain is raining all around,
  • It falls on field and tree,
  • It rains on the umbrellas here,
  • And on the ships at the sea.

“The Rain” is written by W.H. Davies. In this poem, the poet presents the natural scene of rain. He skillfully creates the sight of rain. The rain falls on the upper leaves. They drip the rain and pass on the drops to the lower leaves. The rich leaves stand for the rich people and the poor leaves stand for the poor people. The poet feels sad for the poor people. The poet hopes that after the rain sun will come out. It will fill each drop with light. The sun will shine equally upon all. The poet is happy with this sight. The sunshine is for both the dark round drops of rain and rich green leaves. It means that sunshine is equal for the rich and the poor people.

  • Rain, rain, rain, don’t go away,
  • Rain, rain, rain, I hope you will stay,
  • Rain, rain, rain, come again and again.

The language of the poem is simple but the message of the poem is unique and thought-provoking. W.H. Davies’ favorite themes are nature and the hardships of the poor. The metaphor of upper and lower leaves means that the rich get a golden chance first and whatever remains passed down to the poor people. But the poet hopes that there would be equality in society just like the sunshine which spreads all over the world equally. In short, it is a poem of hope.

“It takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow.”

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Summary – Version 3 

The Rain” is a poem by W. H. Davies that celebrates the beauty and transformative power of rain. The speaker of the poem observes the rain falling from the sky and describes its various effects on the natural world.

The poem begins by highlighting the gentle and peaceful nature of rain, as it falls softly and silently. The speaker describes how the rain cleanses and refreshes the earth, washing away the dust and making everything clean. The raindrops are compared to pearls, emphasizing their preciousness and beauty.

As the rain continues to fall, the speaker notices its impact on the landscape. The rain brings life to the plants and flowers, making them flourish and bloom. It fills the rivers and streams, giving them a renewed sense of vitality. The speaker expresses admiration for the rain’s ability to bring growth and abundance to the world.

Furthermore, the speaker reflects on the transformative power of rain. The rain is depicted as a divine force that can bring about change and renewal. It has the ability to turn barren lands into fertile ones and can revive even the most desolate places.

The poem concludes with the speaker expressing gratitude and awe for the rain. They marvel at its ability to bring beauty and life to the world. The rain is portrayed as a source of hope and inspiration, symbolizing the cyclical nature of life and the rejuvenation it brings.

Putting all the above details in a nutshell, we may say that “The Rain” is a poetic celebration of rain’s ability to cleanse, nourish, and transform the natural world. It highlights the beauty and power of rain as it brings life, growth, and renewal to the earth.


Notes By: Sir Nauman Sadaf


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General Lines to be used in Explanation as analytical appreciation.

Note: Add lines according to the requirements of the explanation and question.


For: 9th English, 10th English, 1st Year English, B.A. English, ADP English, MA English, BS English

These general lines may be used in the explanation of a poem / poetical work as analytical appreciation:

  1. The poet exhibits a remarkable command over language, employing vivid imagery and metaphors to captivate the reader’s imagination and evoke a deep emotional response.


  1. The author’s skillful use of symbolism adds a layer of depth to the poem, allowing for multiple interpretations and encouraging the reader to engage in a thoughtful exploration of its themes.


  1. Through the meticulous arrangement of words and phrases, the poet creates a musicality in the poem, with a rhythmic flow that enhances its overall impact and resonates with the reader long after the words have been read.


  1. The poet’s keen attention to detail is evident in the carefully chosen diction, which conveys precise emotions and enhances the overall sensory experience of the poem.


  1. The author’s unique voice shines through in this poem, displaying a distinctive blend of elegance and raw honesty that makes it both relatable and captivating to a wide range of readers.
Note: Don’t use all lines, use as many as required.
  1. The poem showcases the author’s exceptional ability to seamlessly weave together complex ideas and concepts, resulting in a cohesive and thought-provoking piece of literature.


  1. The poet’s use of vivid and evocative imagery transports the reader into a rich and immersive world, painting a vivid picture that lingers in the mind long after reading the poem.


  1. The author’s masterful use of figurative languages, such as similes and metaphors, adds richness and depth to the poem, inviting the reader to delve deeper into its underlying themes and messages.


  1. The poem’s structure and form reflect the author’s meticulous attention to craft, with each line and stanza carefully constructed to enhance the overall meaning and impact of the piece.


  1. The poet’s ability to convey complex emotions through concise and powerful language is a testament to their skill as a wordsmith, leaving the reader with a profound sense of connection and understanding.


Remember, these lines are just suggestions, and you can modify them to fit the specific poem you are analyzing or use them as a starting point to develop your own appreciation.



Muhammad Nauman Sadaf
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