
Preposition/Conjunctions/Interjections/Types – Part of Speech


A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and another word in the sentence. Prepositions often indicate location, time, direction, or manner.


  1. Location: The book is on the table.
  2. Time: She will meet me after work.
  3. Direction: We walked through the park.
  4. Manner: They solved the problem with teamwork.


Types of Prepositions:

  1. Simple Prepositions: These prepositions consist of a single word.

   Examples: in, on, at, under, above

  1. Compound Prepositions: These prepositions are formed by combining two or more words.

   Examples: according to, because of, in front of, on top of

  1. Prepositional Phrases: These are groups of words that include a preposition and its object (noun or pronoun).

   Example: The book is on the table.



Conjunctions are words that connect words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence. They are used to join ideas, coordinate information, or show relationships between different parts of a sentence.


  1. Coordinating Conjunctions: These conjunctions join words, phrases, or independent clauses of equal importance.

   Examples: and, but, or, so

   Example: I like tea and coffee.

  1. Subordinating Conjunctions: These conjunctions introduce a subordinate clause that depends on the main clause for meaning.

   Examples: because, if, when, although

   Example: I will go if you come with me.

  1. Correlative Conjunctions: These conjunctions come in pairs and connect balanced words or phrases.

   Examples: either/or, neither/nor, both/and

   Example: Either we go now or we stay here.



Interjections are words or phrases that express strong emotions, surprise, or exclamations. They are often used to convey feelings or add emphasis to a sentence.


  1. Wow! That was an amazing performance.
  2. Ouch! That hurt!
  3. Hurray! We won the game!


Types of Interjections:

  1. Joy: Hurray, yay, bravo

   Example: Yay! It’s my birthday today!

  1. Surprise: Wow, oh, ah

   Example: Oh, I didn’t expect that!

  1. Pain: Ouch, ow

   Example: Ouch! I bumped my knee.


Compare and Contrast Conjunction and Interjection:

Conjunctions and interjections both play distinct roles in a sentence, but they have key differences:

Function: Conjunctions connect words, phrases, or clauses to establish relationships and show how different parts of a sentence are related. Interjections, on the other hand, express emotions or add emphasis to a sentence.

Placement: Conjunctions typically appear between the words or clauses they connect. Interjections, however, can appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence and often stand alone or are separated by punctuation marks.

Grammatical Role: Conjunctions are considered part of the sentence’s structure and play a grammatical role in connecting different elements. Interjections, on the other hand, are more like exclamations and do not have a grammatical function within the sentence.


In summary, conjunctions connect words, phrases, or clauses, while interjections express emotions or add emphasis. Conjunctions contribute to the grammatical structure of a sentence, whereas interjections are more about conveying feelings or reactions.


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Courtesy: Muhammad Nauman Sadaf



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